Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Problems of Recruitment-Free Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Summarize at least three Current articles from journals, books, articles, magazines, etc. that discuss difficulties and solutions in recruitment and selection. Answer: Recruitment in general term is the enlisting of new people for a common motive or job role (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The recruiters face a number of issues while recruiting people for a certain process. The essay discusses the problems faced by the recruiters and their solutions. The recruitment and retention of people in health trials is a major issue faced by the health experts. The retention rate of the recruits is also low with a drop rate of about 20%. The health experts face different issues while performing continuous recruitment due to high dropout rate. The first issue is time as the health researchers need to take time from clinical and research practices for recruitment for the trial, which is also time bound (Richards Hallberg, 2015). The people do not attach much importance to these trails, there is lack of participation, and there is a dearth of experienced research staff. There is incompatibility between trial protocols and the clinical practice. To improve the recruitment in the field simple solutions are given. Firstly, the details of the program can be properly communicated and instead of opt in opt out method proper information can be collected. Secondly, since giving financial gains for the process is considered unethical other things lik e gifts and vouchers can be given in return. Thirdly, the patient can be informed in advance about the intricate details of the program and the procedure so that the participants give an informed consent. There is an issue faced among the Canadian society, which revolves around the cohesion among the migrant workers and the general population of the state (Taylor Foster, 2015). Canada is a state with open door policies to the migrants in the country. It is facing major issues due to its Temporary Foreign Worker Program. The people coming from different background face the issue of acceptance in the society. The local population sees the immigrants as threats to the economy and often the recruitment takes place without the proper licensing and the training procedure, which is detrimental for the workers of the immigrant population. As a solution, the licensing bodies should keep a strict eye on the immigrant population chosen to work in this program (Strauss McGrath, 2017). Moreover, the cultural and the shift in the work environment should be fulfilled with proper training of the work and local language to the immigrants. The program should focus on the recruitment of able candidate s so can fit in the Canadian society. According to a Swedish research on Social site recruitment procedures, the traditional methods of recruitment negatively affect the economy of the organization (Chan Kjellberg, 2017). The traditional recruitment methods use a large workforce and the cost of recruitment of the employee cannot be borne by the organization if the employee does not work for a stipulated amount of time. In a country like Canada where the people are socially active the online recruitment will help the organizations. The social media not being used to the full potential for the recruitment of the employees is another issue faced by the organization, which makes the recruitment a recurring cost for a large organization. The study suggests the usage of the social media will improve the recruitment process in a number of ways. Firstly, it will decrease the cost of advertising and make the background checks easy. The job will have a large number of applicants from different backgrounds improving the talent poo l of recruitment of the organization. There are various improvements in the recruitment and selection in these fields. The health test volunteers are now recruited by organizations that focus on serious candidates who volunteer. The recruitment of the workers in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program should focus on the proper and legal recruitment of individuals under the Canadian immigration authorities ("Canada Immigration, Visa, Canadian Citizenship Permanent Residence", 2017). The recruitment issues faced in the social media recruiting are being resolved as in the present times majority of the population is active on social media due to high internet penetration. The organizations can improve their recruitment and retention procedure in various other ways. To a health volunteer the importance of the research and the issues regarding it should be communicated. They include giving proper incentive and increment in salary to the employee. The job role of the employee in the organization and the organizational goals should be clearly explained. In the social recruitment, the background check of the employee should be properly done with the available resources. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Canada Immigration, Visa, Canadian Citizenship Permanent Residence. (2017). Canada Immigration and Visa Information. Canadian Immigration Services and Free Online Evaluation.. Retrieved 11 November 2017, from Chan, E., Kjellberg, A. (2017). # RecruitmentSocialMedia: How Swedish organizations can utilize the beneficial outcomes of using social media in the recruitment process. Richards, D. A., Hallberg, I. R. (Eds.). (2015). Complex interventions in health: an overview of research methods. Routledge. Strauss, K., McGrath, S. (2017). Temporary migration, precarious employment and unfree labour relations: Exploring the continuum of exploitationin Canadas Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Geoforum, 78, 199-208. Taylor, A., Foster, J. (2015). Migrant Workers and the Problem of Social Cohesion in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16(1), 153-172.

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